Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Journal Entry 1

As I am horrible at keeping a journal, hopefully my Religious class at BYU will help. I have to write out journal entries a couple of times a week and figured I'd post my thoughts on here. Maybe as I post more about my testimony it will lead to posting more about my cute kiddo's and the craziness that is our lives.

Here are a few thoughts on one of my favorite scriptures. :)
An all time favorite scripture that has buoyed my husband and I up during unexpected trials and helped us increase our faith is 1 Nephi 3:7. This is Nephi accepting Lehi’s, and truly Heavenly Father’s commandment to go back to Jerusalem and retrieve the records from Laban. Even after his brothers murmur at the idea of retrieving the plates, Nephi proclaims “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commmandeth them.” (1 Nephi 3:7) I’ve always admired Nephi’s unwavering faith, he did not know how he would accomplish this commandment, but Nephi knew the Lord commanded it, and so he knew they needed the plates before they could continue on with their journey to the promised land.
There have been times in my life when the future was uncertain for my family and myself, change was inevitable, but security was missing within my life. Last summer my husband told me that he had been prompted multiple times over the past few weeks that I should apply to BYU.  This act was hard for me because we were settled in Logan; both students at USU and Brandon had a stable job that was able to support our family so I could stay home with our sons. The wait to hear back from BYU of my acceptance was excruciating. Brandon and I tried multiple times to find housing in Utah County as well as find employment for him so he could continue to support our family but things never worked out. Just like when Laban first tried to persuade Laban to give him the plates, he was denied what was commanded of him. (1 Nephi 3:11-13) As well as when Nephi convinced his brothers to go back into the city to offer up their inheritance they had left behind to Laban to purchase the plates. They were again rejected and fled for their lives. (1 Nephi 3:22-25) It was then that I looked upon this scripture and dived into the footnotes. One of the footnotes leads to the comforting voice of our Heavenly Father saying “…Stop, and stand still until I command thee, and I will provide means whereby thou mayest accomplish the thing which I have commanded thee.” (D&C 5:34) It is only when we stop, and are patient with the Lord, that we are lead in the direction he needs us to go to follow through with keeping his commandments. It wasn’t until Nephi truly paused for a moment as he went into the city alone, unknowing of what was about to happen that he was “led by the Spirit.” (1 Nephi 4:6) It was in those quiet moments when Nephi was patient and awaiting the direction of the Lord, that he was then guided to Laban. Just like Nephi, my husband and I needed to be patient with the Lord. It wasn’t until my husband and I were still, and quiet within the holy walls of the temple, that we were finally calm. We knew that things would work out in the end, and that our Father in heaven was guiding us to where he needed us most.   

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