Friday, May 7, 2010

What's that?!

I know this is me probably denying things again, but earlier this week I'm pretty sure that overnight my stomach pushed out abnormally! I was talking with my co-worker (not wearing a jacket for once) and she gasped and said "Look at your stomach! You're showing!" I know that it's a good thing, but it's definately something that is harder to accept; especially when I feel like I'm still looking in the 'fat stage' and not the 'pregnant stage'.

Brandon has been telling me that I've been showing for a little while now, but I've definately been ignoring it. I do have to say that this is the first day where I really had to undo the button on my jeans cause they were just pushing into my stomach too much! Brandon has been a good sport about things, he let me go out and get a few new shirts that are quite a bit looser. They are a lot more comfortable to say the least! It is very awkward shopping for larger/maternity clothes, especially when you don't quite fit into those clothes. Sweat pants have definately become my best friend ;)

I'm sorry I don't have a 'belly' picture to put up, I'll try and have Brandon take one this weekend. I hope everyone has a fantastic Mother's Day weekend! I'll try to get on another time this weekend to do a specific Mother's Day shout out to both of our Mom's!

1 comment:

Janeal said...

Oh Tenille! You're beautiful! And you're going to be the cutest prego lady when your tummy starts to show.