Yesterday was a huge day! Connor rolled over! The previous night I was talking with our neighbor Jill and asking when I should start ‘tummy time’, she guessed since he was stronger that we could probably start it whenever we felt like it so the next day (December 7, 2010) I decided to give it a try. I had just fed and changed him so I knew he would be in a pretty decent mood. I laid out his blanket on the floor and then put him on his stomach; he was doing so good, just lifting himself up, no tears just being a tough guy! I decided to take a picture so I pulled out my phone and took one, then realized my camera was just in the corner. I ran and grabbed it, through the SD card back in, turned it on, turned around to look back at Connor, and he just rolled over when I looked! Like it was nothing. I was in complete shock! Our son is 9 ½ weeks rolling over! I immediately called Brandon to tell him the news, which of course he asks if I recorded it - no! It was random; I didn’t think he’d do that! – plus we don’t have a camcorder… I tried a few more times to get him to roll over but to no avail, he decided once was good enough.
Brandon came home for lunch and we decided to try again. Sure enough, he wanted to show Dad his new talent! He rolled over twice for Brandon, and we were able to record it off of his phone! After that he was cranky again, but still! Rolling boy!
Here's the link to the video -