Thursday, February 10, 2011

Push Yourself

Brandon and I are HUGE Biggest Loser fans. (We would like to thank the Witts and Toblers for that!)

The other night (after finishing the recent episode of BL), Brandon and I were talking and decided we were going to push ourselves to being the weight we were when we got married by our 3rd anniversary in May. In total we both have about 15-20 lbs to loose, and since Brandon is male I'm sure he'll lose it faster (stupid water weight!). But whether he loses it first or not, it's not a race, it's a goal we have for ourselves and each other.

At night Brandon lifts weights and does manly things, and I do my stretches, crunches & ab workouts. During the day I also am working out my legs with the great Shapeups he got me! I know they look retarded, but I've got to say they actually work! One of the things I hate about myself is my legs, my thighs are so huge, and my calves are so's gross. BUT with the shapeups my legs have in all honestly toned up (even Brandon as noticed!).

That is our goal. I feel like if it is not placed where we can read it constantly, or others don't know about it we won't feel as accountable. So here it is for all to see (well for the few that read this to see)!

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