Sunday, July 21, 2013


This last week I had my 6 week doctors appointment and I'm officially cleared to go back to regular life. Wahoo! I am so ready to get back into shape, I'm really not digging my jiggly tummy and thighs, boo. It's not very fun to have Connor poke my stomach and say "baby."  Ugh  :(

So I have three things to help my motivation. 1) I WANT IT. Now honestly I'm not really focused on a number on the scale. I just personally want to tone up. I want to feel more confident. 2) 5k. Brandon and I signed up for a 5k at the end of August called Man vs. Mud. I'm so stoked, but I definitely need to train. The best part is Brandon will be there to help and support me at the same time. Plus we're both competitive and I know we'll push each other. 3) Family pictures. My mother in law has said she wants to get family pictures done this fall. This picture could potentially be on the wall for over five years without being updated (like this last one). Call me crazy, but I want to look decent. 

So there you have it. I'm debating on posting pictures of my progress. I'm very self conscious right now so we'll see. Tomorrow is training day one. I'm excited, scared, nervous. I pray I can get back into shape AND keep my milk supply up. If any of the two people that read this have any good tips, please let
me know. :)


Katie K said...

My only comment is to be patient with yourself. It's going to take a few months at least so don't get discourged if you don't see the results you want right away. Just be consistant.

Jennifer said...

I'm not sure what information you have, but I learned that exercise has little, if any affect on your milk supply. The most important thing to remember is that the more milk you remove, the more milk is made. So basically, nurse or pump every 2-4 hours and you'll be fine. Good luck on completing your fitness goals!

And you need not feel self concious. You just had a baby and you look the same as me...